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; 4c0077e0; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Can we please get an app

Can we please get an approve button always available for admin?

; 6677ce89; like; flag; remove ; +cart
When in doubt, make art

When in doubt, make art

; 9bf271b7; like; flag; remove ; +cart
YouretheMadest and the b

YouretheMadest and the best..may the muse always be with you..jw

; b27353c6; like; flag; remove ; +cart
I Love My New Android 4

I Love My New Android 4 Phone

; 81c2c218; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Good morning!

Good morning!

; 42c5927a; like; flag; remove ; +cart
YouretheMadest and the b

YouretheMadest and the best..may the muse always be with you..jw

; 53a20c95; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Good morning!

Good morning!

; 22135ce6; like; flag; remove ; +cart


; f77df523; like; flag; remove ; +cart
YouretheMadest and the b

YouretheMadest and the best..may the muse always be with you..jw

; caa45f44; like; flag; remove ; +cart
hike set operator_please

hike set operator_please 1

; bc2153ae; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Afterwards, I noticed a

Afterwards, I noticed a plate of matzos being discarded...

; bf1683dd; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Thank you

Thank you

; ff765ba6; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Anonymous supporter in N

Anonymous supporter in New Jersey area housed and fed me for approximately 100 days while I worked on this website. #gratitude

; a76ce6ca; like; flag; remove ; +cart
YouretheMadest and the b

YouretheMadest and the best..may the muse always be with you..jw

; b3f24bf1; like; flag; remove ; +cart
there should be bookmark


there should be bookmarklets for all the common ui functions (eg advanced/tile, etc)

the bookmarks bar should be the menubar

; df5aaf27; like; flag; remove ; +cart
consensus between multic

consensus between multichains is pissible using monochains contracrs in the fiture
snowflake solidity

; 659bb836; like; flag; remove ; +cart
title: LinkedIn


title: LinkedIn

; 70e05bdc; like; flag; remove ; +cart
why would i post somethi


why would i post something i don't like?

; c067179b; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Afterwards, I noticed a

Afterwards, I noticed a plate of matzos being discarded...

; 9a7b0268; like; flag; remove ; +cart
YouretheMadest and the b

YouretheMadest and the best..may the muse always be with you..jw

; 28e8d9c8; like; flag; remove ; +cart
mongolian yurt always ha

mongolian yurt always has door facing south

; 35acf786; like; flag; remove ; +cart
YouretheMadest and the b

YouretheMadest and the best..may the muse always be with you..jw

; 60d5b67c; like; flag; remove ; +cart
hike set


hike set

; 88886ef8; like; flag; remove ; +cart
YouretheMadest and the b

YouretheMadest and the best..may the muse always be with you..jw

; 03268a00; like; flag; remove ; +cart
computer, please switch

computer, please switch to information manager style

; 02c09f80; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Anonymous supporter in B

Anonymous supporter in Boston area shared their access with me, which helped me developed this website. #gratitude

; 676712cb; like; flag; remove ; +cart
hike set operator_please

hike set operator_please 1

; faf34c9f; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Verry tirrd but still di

Verry tirrd but still did oh and going to the mass lobby

; c68eef35; like; flag; remove ; +cart
consensus between multic

consensus between multichains is pissible using monochains contracrs in the fiture
snowflake solidity

; 3c103eb2; like; flag; remove ; +cart
pale moon browser here


pale moon browser here

; d1105a02; like; flag; remove ; +cart


; 92847187; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Hi from North Station

Hi from North Station

; c0936f39; like; flag; remove ; +cart
The top reason I love An


The top reason I love Android 4 is the Menu button.

I think it is a brilliant UI paradigm to have that hardware button, because it forces all but the most clueless developer to provide a standard menu of all available commands in any given screen.

I miss that button dearly in other Android versions.

; 881372b7; like; flag; remove ; +cart
why would i post somethi


why would i post something i don't like?

; b69c802a; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Thank you for free softw

Thank you for free software foundation for recognizing divestos

; eb1ffcd2; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Walks I have been taken

Walks I have been taken on by Marley the dog

; cd78e909; like; flag; remove ; +cart
hike set operator_please

hike set operator_please 1

; b7033de1; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Thank you for free softw

Thank you for free software foundation for recognizing divestos

; 5e152dc0; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Verry tirrd but still di

Verry tirrd but still did oh and going to the mass lobby

; 0e727653; like; flag; remove ; +cart
hike set operator_please

hike set operator_please 1

; 34734a73; like; flag; remove ; +cart
hike set operator_please

hike set operator_please 1

; 5fe04b74; like; flag; remove ; +cart
YouretheMadest and the b

YouretheMadest and the best..may the muse always be with you..jw

; 99098073; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Anonymous supporter in B

Anonymous supporter in Boston area shared their access with me, which helped me developed this website. #gratitude

; 877b5d14; like; flag; remove ; +cart
Thank you for this amazi

Thank you for this amazing weekend!

; bb1508bb; like; flag; remove ; +cart
YouretheMadest and the b

YouretheMadest and the best..may the muse always be with you..jw

; 033270bb; like; flag; remove ; +cart


; f3cae7a3; like; flag; remove ; +cart


; 5fc8d1af; like; flag; remove ; +cart
for example, i can say:

for example, i can say:


and this will be recorded and reflected in my profile page

; 1d20a249; like; flag; remove ; +cart
operator, please turn of


operator, please turn off javascript

; 00f0c285; like; flag; remove ; +cart
YouretheMadest and the b

YouretheMadest and the best..may the muse always be with you..jw

; d306b9bf; like; flag; remove ; +cart
How many times per day d

How many times per day do you clear all tabs?

; 19d83e15; like; flag; remove ; +cart
hike set menu_top 0


hike set menu_top 0

; ef5b6c54; like; flag; remove ; +cart
hike set operator_please

hike set operator_please 1

; 44f12b6c; like; flag; remove ; +cart

	AND item_score > 0
	AND labels_list NOT LIKE '%pubkey%'
	AND labels_list NOT LIKE '%puzzle%'
	AND labels_list NOT LIKE '%notext%'
	AND labels_list NOT LIKE '%http%'
	item_score DESC

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