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Upload one file.

Remember to press Upload button.

Allowed files: jpg jpeg gif png bmp svg jfif webp tiff tff


Paste one picture:

Paste may not work on all platforms.

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concept Upload_Page

purpose Enable users to upload files, including images, with a preview feature.

  upload_settings: UploadSettings
    allowed_file_types: set FileType  // Set of allowed file types for upload
    preview_enabled: Boolean  // Indicates whether the preview feature is enabled

  uploadFile(file: File)
    pre file.type in upload_settings.allowed_file_types
    // Additional logic to handle the upload of the selected file

  pasteImage(imageData: String)
    pre upload_settings.preview_enabled
    // Additional logic to handle pasting an image via a focusable textbox

operational principle
  Enable users to upload files:
  1. Users can select files using the standard browser file selector.
  2. Images selected for upload are previewed.
  3. Users can press the "Upload" button to initiate the upload process.
  4. Users can paste images into a focusable textbox for upload.

  File uploads are subject to the allowed file types specified in upload_settings.

Additional Considerations:
- The Upload Page provides a user-friendly interface for file uploads, including image previews.
- State attributes include allowed file types and the status of the preview feature.
- Actions include uploading selected files and pasting images for upload.
- The page supports standard file selection and pasting images via a focusable textbox.
Welcome ; Write ; Threads ; New ; Image(1) ; Links ; Upload ; Calendar ; #HumanTalk ; #ToiletTalk ; Search ; Settings ; Stats ; Session ; Authors(16) ; People(1) ; Scores ; Labels(13) ; Data ; Chain(32) ; Help
Expand; Minimal; Reprint; Cascade; Arrange; Float; Reset
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